Wednesday, July 31, 2013


My eldest daughter, Farah Irdina Marwilis Bt Helmi took TIMSS(Trends in Mathematic and Science) and PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment) exams yesterday on 30th July 2013...She said that it was hard and very confusing....Of course it was...Most of the questions were not in their learning syllabus...This international exam is an international assessment of mathematics and science knowledge of 14years old students...It was like an IQ's test...Their results will be compared to other countries that also took part in the exams for the rankings..I was hoping my daughter did well in the exams...But we'll see how it turns out when the results are in...Any information about TIMSS and PISA, just go to this website to learn more..

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Carlo Rino
 Why Coach handbags are more expensive than Carlo Rino handbags?...I still don't get it.. I just got a Carlo Rino handbag from my dearest husband for my birthday..and my sister in-law gave me a Coach handbag as a gift..Both handbags have the same prices but Carlo Rino is bigger than Coach.. So...what is so great about Coach... Whatever the reasons....I love both handbags....


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I have four kids...And I'd been teaching them how to read since they were just two years old...Some people said that it was too early for the kids...They should have fun at that age and not be burden by learning how to read...It depends actually....You're the parents....You should make the decisions...
As for me, teaching kids how to read in early age is better....In Malaysia, kids started their pre-school / kindergarten when they turn five years old...So if they start to learn to read at two years old, they have at least three to four years to master the skills...But if they start to learn to read at five years old, they only have one to two years to master the skills...It will stressed them out..Don't you agree?
Hail, my youngest son, is turning four this year..That means, next year in 2014, he will be going to kindergarten...I've been teaching him to read by using Bacalah Anakku...It's a set of books for early learners to learn to read in Bahasa Malaysia...I've been using these same books that I used to teach my eldest daughter...Bacalah Anakku is a set of eight books..From the easiest (book 1) to the hardest (book 8)...And Bacalah Anakku also comes with two workbooks that you can use to test your children....

Bacalah Anakku
It's June 2013, Hail, my youngest still on book 6 of Bacalah Anakku...Even though it is not easy to teach him, but he is doing well actually....I'm quite impressed....But he still has a lot to learn....

Other books for early reading

Once he finished Bacalah Anakku, I'm going to teach
him to read in English, Jawi and also teaching him Iqra'....Just like his sisters...

Do teach your kids to read in early age..It helps your kids to do well in school...I'm not kidding...Hail's sisters...Irdina, Athirah and Aqeelah are top students in their classes and schools....Once they learn how to read, it's easier for them to learn new understand better.....

My daughter Aqeelah...

Can't help worrying about my daughter's health...She has been sick for two weeks...She can't sleep, coughing all the time with athma attacks...Her condition is getting worst due to the haze...I'm really worried that we might end up taking her to the hospital if there is no improvement on her health...These are the things that you really want to avoid...It really bring tears to my eye watching her helplessly lying in bed...Wish that I'm the one who got sick...Not her...Hopefully after our second visit to the clinic will help her gets better...

Sunday, June 23, 2013


We have been married for 16 years....but....I'm still in love with my hubby....We still do the little things that kept our love alive...Holding hands while watching tv is a must!! I love playing with his fingers...and kiss his palm...I'm not sure if other couples do this...but....cutting his finger nails and toe nails, giving him a facial, giving him a body massage...are things that I love to do to him...We love to tell jokes & laugh a lot too...Even our kids are always having fun around us... I feel so blessed....I'm so glad that he is my partner, my husband, my friend, my heart & soul, a shoulder to cry on....and so glad knowing that he always be there for me....I love you Mr. Helmi Harun a.k.a. Badang..:)

Haze in Selangor....

23 Jun 2013....All schools in Selangor are closed due to haze tragedy......A really good news for d students...Especially for my kids...Aqeelah is having trouble breathing....She has every symptom that occurs due to haze tragedy...The air pollution index is so high that make the quality of the air is so unbreatheable for us...Hope that the Indonesian gov do something about it coz' they are the one that cause this haze to happen...They should be responsible for this pollution...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

D' PROJECT..."The Mini Malay Tradisional House of Selangor"

This was my eldest daughter's project for school...Of course I had to help her...Never thought we built this beautiful mini house that can fit small dolls....Too bad that it had to be handed to the school teacher...Maybe I should build another one for my girls...:)